
Season 2 / Episode 7

    Alison Krauss, Edgar Meyer, Mark O'Connor & Yo-Yo MaSlumber My Darling
    Peter GabrielI Grieve
    Sheryl CrowI Shall Believe
  • Debbie WeisbergHome
    Civil TwilightHuman
    Amy StroupWith Wings
    AC/DCBack In Black
    Bill WithersUse Me
    The VinesGet Free
    Michael GiacchinoMain Title
    CornershopBrimful of Asha
    Matthew GoodWeapon
    Turin BrakesRain City
    Rosie ThomasFarewell
    Creedence Clearwater RevivalBad Moon Rising
    Alison Krauss, Edgar Meyer, Yo-Yo Ma & Mark O'ConnorSlumber My Darling
    Bob DylanShelter from the Storm
    The CarsMoving In Stereo

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