Nicholas Nolan and Bart HendricksonIn For the Thrill
PlushSassy Girl
Eagle Eye (featuring Renee Sandstrom)I Think I Like You
UnknownPrivate Eyes
Analogue RevolutionLights Camera Action (From "Dance Moms")
ZOELBaila (From "Dance Moms")
Alexx CaliseCry
Robyn JohnsonHead Over Heels
Broadway PuppiesLife Ain't Easy
Nikko LoweApple Tree
U4LThe Party Starts Right Now
Will BrandtStarry Night
Debbie GravitteI Want to Be a Rockette
Hannah Cartwright & Ross TonesAll You Leave Behind
Cheryline LimOver and Over
of VeronaPaint the Pictures
U4L, Beth EnloeThe Party Starts Right Now
Nikko LoweWhat Comes Around
Broadway PuppiesHurt Them First
Sarah OzelleThe Girl I Wanna Be
Cheryline LimInside_of_Me
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