Season 9 / Episode 13

    Maroon 5Harder to Breathe
    James Newton HowardTheme from ER
    Claude DebussyClair De Lune
    Billy JoelPiano Man
    AC/DCHighway to Hell
    Annie LennoxThe Saddest Song I've Got
    Jamshied SharifiA Prayer for the Soul of Layla
  • Nicolai Gedda, Philharmonic Orchestra & Alceo GallieraLes Pêcheurs de Perles: Je Crois Entendre Encore
    Peter HimmelmanAlways In Disguise
    Norah JonesShoot the Moon
    The Goo Goo DollsThink About Me
    Annie LennoxThe Saddest Song (I've Got)
    Tracy ChapmanThe Promise
    Bruce SpringsteenSanta Claus Is Coming To Town

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