
Season 1 / Episode 8

  • Gotham CastNobody's Fault But Mine (feat. Teodorina Bello)
    Milan Maly, Zdenek Kosler, Ivan Kusnjer, Leo Marian Vodicka, Vratislav Kriz, Jiri Kalendovsky, Miroslav Kopp, Eva Urbanova, Jirina Markova, Bohuslav Marsik, Prague National Theatre Chorus & Prague National Theatre OrchestraDalibor. Opera in 3 Acts: Act III, Scene IV, "Let so it be!"
    The StoogesDown On the Street
    Arctic MonkeysR U Mine?
    The Dead WeatherHang You from the Heavens
    RuelleTake It All
  • Graeme Revell & David E. RussoGotham Theme
    Tullio Serafin, Philharmonia Orchestra & Maria CallasGianni Schicchi: O mio babbino caro
    The Dead WeatherTreat Me Like Your Mother
    EuropeThe Final Countdown
    Johnny CashGod's Gonna Cut You Down
    The Soft MoonBlack
  • Bedřich Smetana, Josef Wenzig, Ervín Špindler, Ivan Kusnjer, Leo Marian Vodička, Vratislav Kriz, Jiri Kalendovsky, Miroslav Kopp, Eva Urbanova, Jiřina Marková, Bohuslav Marsik, Prague National Theatre Chorus, Prague National Theatre Orchestra, MilanDalibor. Opera in 3 Acts: Act III, Scene IV, "Let so it be!"
    Royal BloodFigure It Out

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