Once Upon A Time

Season 5 / Episode 7

    Krisanthi PappasOnce Again
    Harriet GoldbergOnce Again (feat. Krisanthi Pappas)
    Mark IshamOnce Upon a Time Orchestral Suite
    YazooOnly You
    Rick SpringfieldJessie's Girl
    Alison MoyetOnly You
    YesOnly you
    Niccolo PaganiniViolin Concerto No. 2 In B Minor, Op. 7, Ms 48: I. Allegro Maestoso
    The Ink SpotsI Don't Want to Set the World On Fire
    Mark IshamTrue Love
    YazOnly You
    Niccolo PaganiniN.Paganini. Violin Concerto No.2 in B minor, Op.7, MS 48. I - Allegro maestoso

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