
Season 2 / Episode 6

    MarioSomeday at Christmas
    The Treacherous ThreeAt The Party
    Funky 4 + 1That's the Joint
    Ruthie FosterThe Ghetto
    Stevie WonderSomeday At Christmas
    Malcolm McLaren, The Worlds Famous Supreme TeamBuffalo Gals (Edit)
    Eddie HazelCalifornia Dreamin'
    Abelardo Carbonó y su ConjuntoQuiero a Mi Gente
    Phillip AnthonyHungry For Your Love
    Emanuel Vo Williams & Robin LoxleyLeave 'Em With Nothing
    Gil Scott HeronHome Is Where the Hatred Is
    Men Without HatsSafety Dance
    Otis ReddingYou Don't Miss Your Water
    Baby Huey & The Baby SittersHard Times
    Cameron DietzHill Valley
    Rod StewartYoung Turks
    Los SilvertonesTamborito Swing
    BlitzNew Age
    Poor Boy RappersLow Rider Rap
    Jean WellsKeep on Doin' It
    Sam DeesLonely for You Baby (7" Mix)
    Chilo EscobedoQuince Años

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