Stargate Universe

Season 1 / Episode 15

    Flogging MollyThe Worst Day Since Yesterday
    Alexi MurdochBreathe
    Deb TalanComfort
    Brand NewYou Won't Know
  • Joel GoldsmithMain Theme from "Stargate: Universe"
    Julian PlentiOnly If You Run
    Lara St. JohnPartita No. 2 in D Minor, BWV 1004: V. Ciaccona
    Janelle MonaeMany Moons
  • Giuseppe di Stefano & Maria CallasTosca, Act Two: "Vissi d'arte" (Tosca)
    Saul WilliamsList of Demands (Reparations)
    Alexi MurdochAll My Days
    Rob ThomasNow Comes the Night
    The HeavyWhat You Want Me To Do?

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