The Blacklist

Season 5 / Episode 21

    The Lone BellowFor What It's Worth
    JunipWithout You
    Dirty McCleanCan You Hear Me Coming?
    soundtrack"Pathetique Sonata" (Opus 13), Adagio Cantabile
    KaleoWay Down We Go
    DisturbedThe Sound of Silence
    Etta JamesAt Last
    Crosby, Stills & NashSouthern Cross
    Sofi TukkerAwoo (feat. Betta Lemme)
    X AmbassadorsThe Devil You Know
    James BlakeRetrograde
    AutografNobody Knows (feat. WYNNE)
  • Marc ScibiliaMy Time Is Comin'
    Royal DeluxeDangerous
    BADBADNOTGOODTime Moves Slow (feat. Sam Herring)
    Buffalo SpringfieldFor What It's Worth
    Lisa HanniganFall
    SuunsUp Past the Nursery
    Welshly ArmsLegendary
    soundtrack2. Adagio cantabile [Piano Sonata No. 8 in C Minor, Op. 13 -"Pathétique"]

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